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The Strange Fascinations of Noah Hypnotik



商品訊息描述“An epic wonder”* from the bestselling author of Mosquitoland
This is Noah Oakman → sixteen, Bowie believer, concise historian, disillusioned swimmer, son, brother, friend.
Then Noah → gets hypnotized.
Now Noah → sees changes:?his mother has a scar on her face that wasn’t there before; his old dog, who once walked with a limp, is suddenly lithe; his best friend, a lifelong DC Comics disciple, now rotates in the Marvel universe. Subtle behaviors, bits of history, plans for the future—everything in Noah’s world has been rewritten. Everything except his Strange Fascinations . . .?

A stunning surrealist portrait, The Strange Fascinations of Noah Hypnotik is a story about all the ways we hurt our friends without knowing it, and all the ways they stick around to save us.
*Adam Silvera, bestselling author of More Happy Than Not and They Both Die at the End

  • 作者: Arnold, David
  • 原文出版社:Viking Childrens Books
  • 出版日期:2018/05/22
  • 語言:英文

The Strange Fascinations of Noah Hypnotik


退役上校繆德生在 2 月 27 日反年改抗爭中,因攀爬立法院外牆不慎墜樓不治,「全民拔菜總部」總指揮盧朝財因涉嫌阻擋救護車進入立法院,被依強制等罪函送法辦,盧朝財雖然否認犯行,但台北地檢署勘驗現場蒐證影像,認定盧朝財當時消極不作為,至少延誤近 5 分鐘的黃金救援時間,今( 6 )日依照涉嫌違反醫療法、強制、妨害公務等罪將他起訴。

藍天行動聯盟秘書長繆德生,今( 2018 )年 2 月 27 日在立法院抗議時,攀爬建築物外牆想要插旗,不慎踩空摔落導致重傷,送醫搶救後, 3 月 5 日拔管辭世,享年 62 歲。


盧朝財 3 月 27 日至北檢出庭時表示,繆德生是他最好的戰友, 2 人並肩作戰已久,針對這樣的事情他已經不知道哭了幾次,因為當時不知道有人受傷,不知道傷勢有多重,當他知道繆德生受傷之後,他馬上下車將車推離門口,但無奈當時抗議的人群太多,並沒有延誤救護車救治的犯意。

檢方事後勘驗現場蒐證影像,確認警方曾經多次廣播,救護車同樣已經到達現場,不過盧朝財卻未試圖移動車輛,也沒有呼籲群眾要讓出通道,至少延誤將近 5 分鐘的黃金搶救時間,依涉嫌違反醫療法、妨害執行救護業務等罪嫌,今天將他起訴。

▲藍天行動聯盟秘書長繆德生,今( 2018 )年 2 月 27 日在立法院抗議時,不慎從高處摔落傷重不治。(圖/取自國民黨臉書專頁)





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